Onboarding System Trouble Shooting

Please check this guide if you or a team member has any trouble setting up your account.

If you don't find the solution here, please text 'HELP' to support at: +1 (605) 570-5260 and use this number for all support issues.

Your upline and Michelle and Shawn, are here to help with your business, but the tech support team is here for helping with the site.

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Onboarding Step by Step

Step 1:

Register for the training site

  • Register here

  • Use the same email that was used to register for LifeVantage

  • If a different email is used it will require manual approval and will happen during business hours so please be patient. If they require manual approval they will receive a text letting them know.

  • They will receive a text within 5 minutes verifying approval or a notice that we are working on approving them.

Step 2:

Check your email

  • Email will come from with subject line: Thank you for registering. Your log in info is here.

  • If they say they didn't get it, have them search for the email address in their search bar.

  • Watch the video in the email for tips for using the site.

This video shows how to simplify starting on the training site.

  • Save computer generated password before clicking link

  • Use safari to save link to homepage

  • Customize password

Step 3:

Change your password

  • Log in with temporary password to the training site.

  • Once you have logged in go to your name icon in the top right corner and select 'Account"

  • Select "Change Password" and enter current password and your new password.

Step 4:

Accessing The Training Site When a Blank Page Appears

  • Select the "Training Site" button on the main page of OPBD website.

  • If a blank page appears, paste the weblink to a private window or incognito window.

  • The login page will appear. Log in and start your training!

  • You can change your security settings for the site to access the training site on a normal browser.



We're a community of life-minded people focused on just one thing: making your life better today. We believe that each one of us has the ability and opportunity to truly change the world. Better health, greater wealth, and personal development are key areas within our focus. Curiosity has our attention, science has our back, and we're excited for you to make a big difference!